Employment Opportunities

    Results: 5

  • Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers (5)

    Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers


    One-stop centers that provide an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location. Services may include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (1)

    Employee Assistance Programs


    Programs that contract with employers to offer confidential help to employees, and in some cases their families, whose legal, financial, marital, parent-child, child care, alcoholism, drug abuse, health and/or mental health problems could have a direct impact on their attendance and job performance. EAPs vary in complexity from telephone hotlines that offer referrals for needed services to organizations that offer in-person diagnosis and referral, direct counseling and/or extensive treatment for one or a variety of problems.
  • Employment Preparation (17)

    Employment Preparation


    Programs that provide assistance for people who need information, guidance and/or training in specific job-related skills to make appropriate occupational choices and secure and retain positions that effectively utilize their abilities.
  • Job Finding Assistance (12)

    Job Finding Assistance


    Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.
  • Job Training Formats (17)

    Job Training Formats


    Programs that offer apprenticeships, training through business practice firms, classroom training, internships, on-the-job training, work experience or other formats for training that prepares people for specific types of employment. The training may feature formal instruction in an institutional classroom setting, hands-on experience at a job site under varying arrangements or a combination of the two as the means by which trainees acquire the skills required to perform the job.